Competiton Rules
Show Sanctioning
Earned Points
Penalties and/or
Dress Code
Protests & Complaints
Barrel Pattern
World Championship
Barrel Pattern
The National Barrel Horse Association
Section F
Dress Code
To enhance the image of our sport, the NBHA encourages and promotes appropriate western attire throughout all NBHA sanctioned events.  This includes a long-sleeved western shirt, a cowboy hat and cowboy boots (no "heels down" or like type shoes are permitted).  Shirt sleeves must be rolled down and buttoned or snapped.  Shirt tails must be tucked in.  This dress code will be strictly enforced at all State/Provincial Championships, National/Regional Championship Series, the NBHA World Championships, the NBHA Youth World Championships, and all Super Shows.  Anyone making a run at any of these shows who is found to be in violation of the dress code will be assessed a $25 fine.  During all National, World, and Super Shows, contestants will be assessed a fine of $25 for losing their hat during a run.  Members who fail to pay such fines will be ineligible to enter any NBHA sanctioned or approved shows until such fines are paid in full.   All disputes over dress code and fines will be decided by Show Management.  The decision of Show Management will be final and binding.  In the interest of safety, contestants may wear appropriate riding safety helmets.

* - These items are new or have been changed or revised with this edition of the NBHA RULES. (Changes are shown in bold